Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our “Create A Memorial” page.
Visit our “Create A Memorial” page.
For an obituary you can visit others obituaries on our website to get an idea, for a memorial you can send a tribute message and up to 100 photos.
A family tree are relatives associated with any person on our website.
Visit this link and scroll down to see what a family tree looks like. Click Here
Yes, you can advertise on memorial pages, this means your ad will show on every memorial page.
Large banner ads
2 weeks $600
4 weeks $900
8 weeks $1500
Pop Up Banner Ad (With or without link)
Memorial Pages – $500 – 1 Week
Entire Website – $800 – 1 Week
We donate to registered charities in Barbados, if you are a charity member contact us to find out more.
Yes, ads can be removed from any Obituary or Memorial.
Applications for death certificates are made at the Registration Department, New Supreme Court Complex White Park Road, St. Michael.
Applications are processed for a fee of BDS$5.00. Completed application forms may also be mailed to the Registration Department and should be accompanied by a Money Order in the amount of BDS$5.00 and should be made out to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. Persons opting for this method of application should also enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient return postage.
*Registration for a Death Certificate is free of cost.*
*A fee of $5.00 (per copy) is charged for the certificate.*
*A fee of $10.00 (per copy) is charged for the “Cause of Death” certificate*
Applications must be completed in full and should be mailed to:
The Registrar of the Supreme Court
Registration Department
New Supreme Court Complex
White Park Road
St. Michael
For further information contact the Registration Department at:
(Tel.) 1 (246) 535-9700
If you have an obituary listing on our website, ask us to place the big red donate button on your loved one obituary page. We can accept the donations on your behalf or we can direct people to donate directly to your account.
To get started please call or WhatsApp (246) 248-9911 or email