Beloved son of the late Hilton and Lillian Browne.
Dear husband of Myrtle Browne (Retired Nurse).
Devoted father of Sheldon and Stacia Browne.
Loving brother of Elaine Springer, Pearl and Velda Browne both of Canada, Victor (U.S.A). and  Keith Browne, Annil Osolo, the late Rudolph , Harold and the late Dr. Phyllis Browne.
Uncle of Deborah Choo, Veronica Carrington, Olu , Michelle, Jennifer and Rodney Browne, Dr. Ingrid and Amanda Osolo and many others.
Great uncle of many.
Father-in-law of Janelle Browne.
Brother-in-law of Nervene Browne (USA), Adlai and Valence Walcott and the late Chesterfield Perch.
Cousin of Aldon Browne.
Friend of Madam Justice Jacqueline Cornelius, Hon. Ralph Thorne M.P., Seibert Frederick, The Graham, Collins, Agard and Clarke families.
The funeral of the late Neville St. Clair Browne leaves Keith Jones Funeral Home, Passage Road, St. Michael on Friday 25th February 2022 at 8:30a.m. for Abundant Life Assembly, Haynes Hill, Bank Hall, St. Michael where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00a.m for a service of thanksgiving. The cortege will then proceed to Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens, The Ridge, Christ Church for the interment.
Live streaming of the funeral service and interment can viewed at
Floral tributes may be sent to Keith Jones Funeral Home no later than 8:00a.m. on Friday 25th February 2022. Visitation will take place in the Chapel of Keith Jones Funeral Home from 4:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. on Thursday.
Strict Covid 19 protocols will be in effect.
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